Wednesday 3 April 2013


23rd March, 8:00 am.

We woke up fresh, in the morning of 23rd March after having a sound sleep the previous night after 2 days. Four taxis were already booked the last day, by our bookie àDIGAR, to make us reach our much awaited Destination: KUFRI.

 At around 9:30 in the morning we all were ready, suited-booted to roll around the place and get some beautiful DP’s clicked. We all occupied the TAXIS, 10 per 1 taxi and BINGO, we moved on. On our way, we stopped at GREEN VALLEY to capture the greenry in and surrounding the valley and feel the ambience of that beautiful place. It was the place where we met two of the cutest YAKS, which would not be commercialized until you got over them. Five of us got themselves clicked for 100 bucks. I think that was a fair deal.

We continued our journey further in our respective taxis and reached KUFRI-> not completely, but only up to the point, where those TAXIS could take us. Now, there were Horses/ Mules/ Khacchars… whatever you call them, to display their hidden talent and make us enjoy that bumpy ride full of filth and hard, really hard Stones. There had to be some involvement of money, so some of us poured in some MONEY… (Hisaab se laga ke…) to pay off the required amount and were ready to get our a***s transported to the Real KUFRI, at a much reluctant and not easily affordable cost: FEAR.

One by one, we kept sitting on them and our rides began. Our DEAR DBMS Sir, especially chose a White Horse for his ride, named MANMOHAN SINGH, which was as cute and down to earth as a Cow and followed SONIA GANDHI, the horse of ANJUM Sir throughout the ride. Seriously, leaving apart few of us, most of us had their Heart in their mouths, throughout the journey. Whenever our horses neared the Cliff, It seemed as if the nature had decided to reduce the load on itself, by choosing us as the next Victim. But few GUTSY and DABANGG amongst us had the courage to click the photos and made videos of the weird expressions their classmates were giving to each other. I kept praying to God to shower his grace firstly on ME and then to these PHOTOGRAPHERS, to maintain them and their Camera INTACT.

My horse named TAARZAN, was actually like the original one, trying to move ahead of others, licking and hitting the mouths of his companions and that too at the cost of our lives. Laughing and chanting hymns, we somehow reached the desired spot, where for some time we discussed this horrible and amazing experience with others. Then we came to know about these Adventurous Sports there, about 5 of them. Again, the list was made of the ones willing to try them and weight of the Wallets was further reduced. Since we were a group of more than 25 students (approx.) to try the sports but the harnesses to hold us, were limited. So, we had to wait for our turn and gather the courage by looking at others.

Oh!! Man. The way we were made to wear those harnesses, was really a bit awkward. It appeared as if we were some Modern Day Superman, wearing Straps instead of the traditional Brief above our Pants. The DARD-e-DISCO helmets were limited in number, only the lucky ones got them. We tried one-by-one those sports, but were able to try only 2 of them as there was a long queue waiting for their turn. But, the feeling which engulfed us while trying them was awesome man, heart free of all emotions, we shouting at the top of our voices and Fear driven away by the Wind bursting our ear-drum.

Tashan Mein...!!!
Inse naa ho paayega...!!!
Kya aap CLOSE-UP karte Hain..
 When all of us were utilizing our turn one-after-other, someone discovered the patch of snow gathered at some nearby point. Then, our response was Super-Predictable, picking up Ice, shaping them in Balls, running hard and hitting at   each other and that too by aiming tightly. Our respected Sirs avoided that play but when we insisted, Our Dear DBMS Sir hit hard at ANJUM Sir`s a** by taking a proper target and FAREED Sir advised us: 

“Aise pooch ke maaroge toh maar nahin paoge, bas maro aur bhaag jao”. Hmmm. Impressive.

Want to HIT us, see what we got... :P
Next we were destined to see the Apple Gardens, which were located at a nearby place on that hill itself. We were just proceeding there, then suddenly MASOOM, AMJAD and MEHFOOZ came and told us about the Snow covered Hill located below. WHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Damn those Apple Gardens. We all proceeded to the SNOW. OH Man!!! The best 40 min we spend of that day: sliding on the ICE, climbing and Falling, Hitting Ice at everyone that stood before you, all the rivalries were tried to be settled out by bombarding each other with Ice Balls. There were some, who when unable to dig Ice to form Balls were throwing Ice-Stones at each other. Being the recipient of many such artillery, I was aware of the impact that followed. Clearly, DAN BROWN tumhe toh karara zawaab milega. :<

Boston Tea Party!!!
After full toned Masti, we unwillingly took our feet out from that lovable ice and sat at the Tea-Stall located above. All of us had something to eat and then we proceeded again to that Scary Horse Spot for another journey full of Thrill and somewhat less fear. Luckily, the horses during the return journey were mild in nature but were Out-of-the-Box thinkers as they loved to take …the path less travelled by and explore the unexplored… (Unhe kya thaa !!! It was we who were getting torn.) But, somehow we reached safely to our Base Point except for the weird and life threatening experiences by CHUSKI, somewhat less by BAQIR and TIDU. We posed for some time with the horse of DIGAR namely Chetak and got some photos clicked.

When we all collected, again we proceeded to our TAXIS, the same old TAXIS in which we came, went to one more place. Instead of sightseeing, we all got engaged in shopping: BOYS outnumbering the GIRLS in the same and returned to the ROOM.

Again, words of appraisal flowing out of my mouth for the girls: we reached the rooms at around 6:15 pm and within 45 minutes they were ready again to roam out on THE MALL road and have something to eat. On the other hand, we as usual: BATTERY DOWN. We ordered Dinner at our room itself and after feeling a bit energetic, we went out at around 9:30 pm, by that time girls had already returned to their rooms and were taking rest. At around 11:30 pm, there were 4 of us at the room, rest were roaming outside.
Roaming at NIght...
 In the Mean-Time a status was uploaded by one of us on the FB regarding some PAAN. As soon as the LEFT-WINGERS (Ya !!... they should be called by that for what was done.. ) read that, a vocal brawl took place between us and Those Left-Wingers. A situation that was uncalled for and could have been easily avoided and sorted out through calm and easy talks, took a Warm, extremely high and harsh tone to ….. just dump it . Whatever!! The mood totally flew out of Goodwill and…. Throughout the TOUR, it was the worst time. After that we talked on some random topics, but the Pinch of that mishap was still afresh there, on the top of our hearts.

Again, that day we were in our old prestigious form, it seemed as if the sleep had been omitted from our lives. We talked, danced (a little bit…), listened to songs, watched COMEDY CIRCUS. And finally at 3:00 am, a major proportion of us were in deep sleep.
Though the incident at the end was de-energizing but still the POSITIVE gathered and earned throughout the day was more than enough to bug these shitty little negative incidents out of our lives.

We slept, unable to PART from the fact that: tomorrow was our last day IN SHIMLA. Waiting for the sun to rise next day. Aawwwwww!!!

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