Wednesday, 15 August 2012

We are all EQUAL

Equality, as we all know, has been used by people or I must say political people since a long time, to acquire benefits, one of which in the form of reservation under the name of religion, caste, creed, gender and colour.
But, i am not here to discuss it politically or talk about the ills of reservation. Rather, I want to discuss how god has created us with keeping in mind the "equality" and how can equality lead to our advantage.

Here it goes:
        I used to or I must say, I still argue with GOD on, why did he created this world with so much of non-uniformity.
Why couldn't he make the clouds pour those showers of water, throughout the world with same intensity. It could have prevented many innocent sould from escaping the earth, just due to draughts and floods.
Why couldn't he make everyone happy by giving them all equal wealth? Again, many could have been saved from dying of poverty.

With these questions unanswered, i grew up.

On entering the college, i got a chance to interact and observe, so many students like me and around me. Through my observation i have come to a very important conclusion , that though resources are not distributed uniformly, but i can proudly and surely say that god has succeeded in making everyone of us an unique personality.

WHOA! Whoa! Whoa! I am not talking about physical appearance, but the grains of talent which have been planted inside our souls, which if properly nourished and taken care of, would help in creating amazing personalities.

But what is the problem? Where have things went wrong? if we consider the above said as true, then why do numerous students commit suicide in various colleges around the nation?
Well, the problem is that we ourselves don't know that we too possess some TALENT!!!! We all keep moving or i must say keep following a flock of SHEEPS, throughout our lives. It's very late that we realise that we are the "ODD-ONE-OUT" for this herd of sheep and some later we realise that we aren't Sheep at all.
What i want to say is that majority of us are guided by "What others think of us" inspite of "What we think of ourselves".

In this competitive world of today, there are thousands like us, standing besides us, all ready to kick us behind to get an entry into a reputed college. Besides all these hardships, we stand there determined, to fulfill our parent's dream, without even knowing whether we belong to that profession or not. It's only we after we go deep inside that, we realise that a blunder has been commited by us!!!!!!!

What we do next is obvious to all!!! Either we give up or try n adjust with the situation in which we are currently trapped in. The worst bad we do is that we completely forget about what we used to be or what we could be, before we joined the crepe, where we currently are.

As a result, many incredible painters, footballers,writers etc. are lost, instead they all try to mould themselves into the currently prevalent trend, for example Engineers, which are already abundant in the world.

Friends, I have used so many lines just to explain u the main fact that "We all have been rewarded with some talent." But just as every single grain of food we eat is a result of heartful and concerted hard work by FARMERS, similarly to enjoy a happier life, we all would have to take upon the task of identifying the talent we possess.
B'coz the sooner we are able to identify ourselves, the sooner is the Happiness and success going to follow. But, if we keep on following others or try initiating them, then u are not just playing with ur life but with ur parents aspirations too!!!

Finally. i would like to say that the "The journey to success begins with u, provided u are able to locate the ingriedents of this recipie within urself"!!!!!

Saturday, 11 August 2012

The politics behind "POLITICS"

Going by the official documentation of our constitution, politics is the elementary operation of maintaining things run in the country.But if you dare to ask someone about what they think of politics , then get ready to listen some dislike ADJECTIVES or record their wierd facial expressions??
What's the reason for the widespread defaming of politics as means of serving the nation??Why does everyone refers to politics as "DIRTY PICTURE"??

The major factor which can be attributed to such a situation is the built-in-power which comes in handy with the higher position one requires.Though, the government we have follows the guidelines of democracy, the misuse of power is prevalent everywhere.It is said that "power makes a person lose his ground". So, what follows next is the beginning of neglignce of duties and individuals get dominated by the feelings of the important "I".They start thinking government is theirs,country has their government ,so ultimately the resources of the country are for their usage only and they could twist the things around the way they want i.e. whatever remains after their usage is meant for the people.

As a result, HUNDREDS and THOUSANDS of CRORES of rupees are easily being utilised for personal welfare which sholuld have been dedicated to the public welfare. If one of the politicians is able to do the above manipulation, how can the other members of his clan be far behind.In this way, a series of such event gets initiated, depriving our country of a large and useful currency.
It's becomes mandatory to think, can such an amount of money be spent by an individual? Then what purpose this money serves???
It serves the important purpose of being stashed away to Foreign banks, thereby making their profits gallop further while depriving ours from it and making us pay the high prices of every commodity which follows the above phenomenon. Even if a small percent of that money is utilized within the nation, it could bear many good results.

A leader paves the way for his sub-ordinates, so what can we expect from lower post holders.That means, to get any thing governmently done , you'll have to shell some currency out of your bank accounts.So, what happens when the gov. becomes aware of  such mishandling of money after some decades or so??
Either the culprits aer in pitiful condition to be caught or to hide their inefficiency some noblemen are collected from their homes and dumped behind the grilled walls,which in turn reduces the count of few noblemen remaining.They are forced to think that their good deeds have been unable to get them any good, so why not join the kin of others??the moment they think this, they are out and free with others.It's simple: if there is only way of living and surviving in water, then how can you become envy of  crocodile itself!!! So this way more and more join the same rat race, worsenig the situation.In this way, we could go on adding more and more lines to the above said, the story 'll never end.

The most obvious and simple act to prevent the above scenario, could be refraining ourselves from indulging in such acts.Once we are able to purify ourselves, then together we can take up the task of handling others, otherwise we ourself'll always remain troubled everytime due to the fear of getting caught.Though it's a long journey to reach the ideal situation,but that'll end only when started.Therefore, start it today if you want to see a better tomorrow.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Whom do you prefer FOOD or GOD?

Who do you think is above all, Food or God??

Well, we all clearly know and strongly believe that GOD is the supreme power of the entire universe, who controls and monitors the activities happening around everywhere.
BUT if u have ever visited a temple where a free feast is being organised on some GOD/GODDESS's birthday, popularly known as JAYANTI , you might force down yourself to believe : YES! Food definitely dominates over god!!!!!!!

The prevailing hunger among the poorest of poors makes them travel from any where to the above temples, thereby disturbing the normal routine of the traffic in that area.OH! leave the traffic problem apart, that's a common scenario everywhere.
THE sight that sent a cold wave across my spine was that people at above mentioned temples ,were no longer interested in praying to god, instead they behaved as if god didn't even exist for them.The people were not even paying the minimal respect to god be removing their footwears outside the temple.Instead they were their own master that day,entering directly into the temple.

More shocking was the behaviour of local people of that area, which truly depicted the loss of their dignity and self respect. It apperared that they had been wAITNING year long cruciously for this event so that they could save 250gm of flour and 1Kg of vegetables, at least for a single day.
They came on their scooters,bikes, entered straight into the temple and returned with both their hands full of the 'PRASAD' ,while the poors were standing outside waiting patiently for the 'PRASAD' to be distributed to them.Moreover  what they say on coming after the temple is "THE GOD IS OFFERING US HIS PRASAD AND WE DON"T ACCEPT THAT, How can this be possible???IT removes all our sins and promotes our well being".
WHAT the hell???

GOD 'll neither forgive your sins nor shower his blessings on you for commiting such a sin of snatching the food, which was destined to feed the poor and needy.The feast was organised to benefit the ones who can't even afford the basic meals even once a day, but unfortunately and intentionally the same people tend to recieve the benefits, who are already much well off to eat much better than the PRASAD they snatch.

Friends, the adverse situation in which poor resides, forces them to believe that there is no GOD who cares for them and 'll ever come down to help them. For them anyone who provides them food is equivalent to GOD and 'll recieve their heartiest blessings.BUt we have a false belief that it's the 'PRASAD' that 'll make good things happen for us not the notion of "Doing Good to others". The day we realise the cause :why were we created as humans ,what does god want from us and instead what we have been doing the past years.............. we are going to hang our HEAD IN SHAME..